Online Exhibits
The Special Collections and University Archives department launched the library’s digital exhibits program in 1998 with “Today’s Seeds for Tomorrow’s Harvest.” Since then, the library has developed digital exhibits that help to tell the stories found within the library’s unique, rare, and uncommon materials.
Some of these exhibits are nearly 20 years old. As time passes, websites decay. All of the historical exhibits below include a link to the preserved version of the website in the university archives’ web archives. Be patient, links to are particularily slow to load.
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Botanist, Basketball Player, and Budding Conservationist: Ada Hayden's Student Years at Iowa State

From Prairie Sod to Campus Cornerstones: Building Our Campus History

Inspiring Students to Become Their Best: The Legacy of George Washington Carver

Iowa State University Sesquicentennial Exhibit: 1858-2008, 150 Years of Excellence
View the ISU Sesquicentennial Exhibit
2007 version of "Iowa State University Sesquicentennial..." (Internet Archive)

John Vincent Atanasoff
View the John Vincent Atanasoff Exhibit
Visit the Historical Exhibit (currently unavailable)
revised 2005 version of "John Vincent Atanasoff" (Internet Archive)

Let's Go State! Cyclone Artifacts and Memorabilia from the 20th Century

Ringing in the Hearts of All: Centennial Celebration of the ISU Campanile

The Road I Grew Up On: A Rural History Project
View the Rural History Exhibit
revised 2005 version of "The Road I Grew Up On..." (Internet Archive)

The Three Founders of Botany: Images of Rare Works from Special Collections
View the Three Founders of Botany Exhibit
2013 version of "The Three Founders of Botany..." (Internet Archive)

"...The Times They Are A-Changing": Political Protests--Iowa State University--May 1970

Today's Seeds for Tomorrow's Harvest: The Impact of Women Nutritionists