Related digital collections and online exhibits:
Iowa State University Library's Ada Hayden digital collection, found in the Cybrary collections:
Iowa State University Library's Twentieth Century Women of Iowa State online exhibit:
Iowa State University Library's Iowa State Sesquicentennial People of Distinction online exhibit:
Iowa State University Library’s Iowa State Parks, online exhibit:
A selection of works authored by Ada Hayden:
The listing below of works authored by Ada Hayden are primarily from around the time when she completed her dissertation, and from the 1940's when she was publishing works related to the Prairie Project, which aimed to document and preserve remaining prairie remnants in Iowa.
Hayden's dissertation was published in the American Journal of Botany:
Hayden, Ada. "The Ecologic Foliar Anatomy of Some Plants of a Prairie Province in Central Iowa." American Journal of Botany 6, no. 2 (1919): 69-85.
Additional publications by Ada Hayden include:
Hayden, Ada. "An Ecological Study of a Prairie Province in Central Iowa." Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 18 (1911): 55-56.
Hayden, Ada. "Notes on the Floristic Features of a Prairie Province in Central Iowa." Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 25 (1918), 369-388.
Hayden, Ada. "The Ecologic Foliar Anatomy of Some Plants of a Prairie Province in Central Iowa." American Journal of Botany 6 (March 1919): 87-105. Available at:
Hayden, Ada. "Conservation of Prairie." in Iowa Parks: Conservation of Iowa Historic, Scientific and Scenic Areas. Des Moines: State Board of Conservation (1919), 283-284. Available at:
Hayden, Ada. "The Selection of Prairie Areas in Iowa Which Should be Preserved" (1945) Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 52 (1945): 127-148.
Hayden, Ada. "A Progress Report on the Preservation of Prairie." Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 53 (1947): 45-82.
Hayden, Ada. "The Value of Roadside and Small Tracts of Prairie in Iowa as Prairie Preserves." Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 54 (1947): 28-29.
Hayden, Ada and J. M. Aikman. "Considerations Involved in the Management of Prairie Preserves." Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 56 (1949): 133-142.
A more complete listing of Ada Hayden's publications can be found at:
A selection of Ada Hayden's works can be found online in the Iowa State University Digital Repository:
A selection of works about Hayden:
Conard, Rebecca. "Hayden, Ada" The Biographical Dictionary of Iowa. University of Iowa Press, 2009. Web. 6 March 2018.
Isely, Duane. "Ada Hayden: A Tribute." Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 96 (1989): 1-5.
Lewis, Deb. "Ada Hayden: Champion of Iowa Prairies." Proceedings of the Seventeenth North American Prairie Conference: Seeds for the Future, Roots of the Past (2001): 215-219. Available at:
Lovell, Jan. "She Fought to Save Iowa's Prairies." The Iowan 36(2): 22-27, 56-57.
Martin, John N. "Ada Hayden." Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 58 (1951): 53-55.
Smith, Daryl D. (1998) "Iowa Prairie: Original Extent and Loss, Preservation and Recovery Attempts," The Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science: JIAS: Vol. 105: No. 3 , Article 4 (1998): 94-108. Available at:
"Twentieth Century Women of Iowa State." Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives (1995). Available at:
For information related to Ada Hayden and her family in Ames, the Ames Historical Society is a great resource. They hold a few of Ada Hayden's hand-colored slides (the majority of which can be seen in the Ada Hayden papers held by the Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives.) The Ames Historical Society has an online resource page on Ada Hayden: (The collage of hand-colored slides on this page is a combination of the slides held by the ISU Library and the Ames Historical Society.)
Archival Collections related to Ada Hayden in Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives:
All of the archival collections listed below are located in the Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives.
Collections documenting Ada Hayden include:
Ada Hayden papers, RS 13/5/55, Archives of Women in Science and Engineering, Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives.
Louis Hermann Pammel papers, RS 13/5/13, Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives. Note: link opens a PDF document.
University Photographs, Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives.
Although not an archival collection, Iowa State's student yearbook, the Bomb, is a rich resource documenting Ada Hayden's time as a student and the campus as a whole. Copies are available in the University Library, and online versions are available through Digital Collections.
Collections which may document Ada Hayden, both during her student years and professional work, include:
Iowa State University Bomb Yearbook records, RS 22/06/00/06, Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives.
Iowa State University Cliolian Literary Society records, RS 22/07/00/03, Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives.
Iowa State University, Department of Botany Administrative Records, RS 13/5/3, Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives.
Iowa State University, Department of Botany Seminar Records, Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives.
Iowa State University, Department of Botany Subject Files, RS 13/5/1, Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives.
Iowa State University, Women's Athletic Association Records, RS10/7/6, Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives.
Ada Hayden worked with John Aikman on a variety of projects, and there may be materials related to her in his papers: John M. Aikman papers, RS 13/5/52, Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives.
The Charles Christopher parry papers are mentioned in this exhibit as a herbarium collection Hayden likely worked with as student: Charles Christopher Parry papers, MS 290, Special Collections Department, Iowa State University Library, MS 290, Charles Christopher Perry finding aid. A portion of the Parry papers is available online:
Background on Iowa State during early 20th century:
Ross, Earle Dudley. The Land-grant Idea at Iowa State College; a Centennial Trial Balance, 1858-1958. Illustration Selection and Commentary by Dorothy Kehlenbeck. Ames: Iowa State
College Press, 1958.
Ross, Earle Dudley. A History of the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Ames: Iowa State College Press, 1942.
Natural areas, organizations, and sites related to Ada Hayden:
Ada Hayden Herbarium
Ada Hayden Heritage Park (Ames, Iowa)
Ames High Prairie State Preserve (Ames, Iowa)
Hayden Prairie State Preserve (Lime Springs, Iowa)
Iowa Academy of Science
Iowa Prairie Network
Tallgrass Prairie Center (University of Northern Iowa)