Women’s Experience at Iowa State from 1960-1979
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The women of Iowa State faced discrimination both from the culture on campus and the regulations put in place by the administration. The administration at Iowa State created policies to essentially becoming in loco parentis or the school becoming the parent for only women students at Iowa State. The male students at this time were not under such strict regulations as the women, for no other reason besides sex.
The Chart
The Chart was a student handbook listing the policies governing student life at Iowa State. Women were subjected to stricter requirements than their male counterparts.
Leaving Ames
The city of Ames and Iowa State had always been entwined, and female students used to ask permission from both the school and their parents if they wanted to leave. Fellow male students, by contrast, were not restricted to Ames at this time and could leave the city if they chose to. To leave, female students would have to receive permission from her parents and her residence hall floor mother , stating her destination and travel companions. Eventually, at the start of each year parents were asked to give permission for their female students to be able to leave.
Tentative Report--The Student Environment
The Tentative Report was created in 1972 to examine the unjustness against women at Iowa State. The report notes some of the sexist policies and practices that occurred on campus.
Women's hours
"Women’s hours" were rules restricting the time female students were allowed to be in and out of their dorms. Over the years, the rules lessened. But it wasn’t until the 1971/72 school year there were not any listed rules against women coming and going from the dorms. The women’s hours rules were one of the most frequently changed category of regulations regarding women, with changes made every few years. https://digitalinitiatives.lib.iastate.edu/online-exhibits/iowa-state-sesquicentennial/student-life/womens-regulation