About the Exhibit


Introduction       Who       How       LULAC       Farmers' Holiday       Cow War       NFO Holding Actions




Methods Case of items on display
Courtesy of Rachel Seale

Who's missing?

We shaped this exhibition based on the materials available in our collections, which are centered on white farmers.

We are looking for additions to our collections that would help make a more complete narrative of agricultural history in the Midwest, including indigenous peoples, people of color, and women. Please see our donation guidelines for more information.



Activist Agriculture: Farm Protest in Iowa, 1929-1969

Kim Anderson
Amy Bishop
Olivia Garrison


Exhibit Coordination
Rachel Seale

Digital Exhibit Design
Lori Bousson

Conservation, Preservation, and Digitization
Mindy McCoy
Mindy Moeller
Jim Wilcox

Digital Collection
Lindsey Hillgartner
Charlie Coffey

Graphic Design
Kim Anderson
Jody Kalvik

Exhibit Catalog
Rachel Seale
Harrison Inefuku

Attribution-NonCommerical 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) icon
This exhibit is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommerical 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Licensing and rights for collection materials depicted in the exhibit vary. Contact Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives Department, archives@iastate.edu for assistance.

About the Physical Exhibit

Display case of Cow War items
Display case of National Farm Organization (NFO) itemsCourtesy of Rachel Seale



This digital exhibit was developed to accompany a physical exhibit on display in the Iowa State University Library. The physical exhibit is on display July 18, 2018 to January 2019 on the fourth floor, in the Special Collections and University Archives Department.